Thursday, January 28, 2010

Welcome Students!

This is the blog for our 3500 class, "Global Narratives and the Contemporary Novel." Please post comments about the novels we are reading, links to Internet resources and ideas for papers!


  1. Is a little truth all we can hope for or does metempsychosis give us another chance?

  2. We are bombarded with examples of space, it's formation, the "Space and place" it occupies, the separation, the space "Between ways of existing," the intentional invasion of another's mental or physical space. Space has a physicality and purpose that causes people to be attracted to it, "Fought" for or be separated from it. Space appears to be a tangible entity where a tug-of-war exists. On page 77 Delillo writes: I think we plowed and swung the pick and the brush scythe to keep from being engulfed by space." Space constantly ebbs and flows throughout "The Names" seeming to release or enrapture its occupants. Space is a threat and a sanctuary that retains elasticity and power over the environment and people. The essence of space is its fluidity and mysteriousness. We cannot "Touch" it yet it is always felt. That is one expanse that Delillo leads us to explore.

  3. In many ways "The Names" presses upon issues of finding the meaning of or purpose of who we are. I find it no coincidence that the novel takes its narrative in the setting of Greece in current times juxtapose the ancient remnants of culture and artifacts. Although I am at the beginning of the novel, it foreshadwos the deepening of the characters trying to find themselves amongst the overtly complex and absorbing modern world. How it unfolds will be quite interesting and thought provoking.
